FAQ's Tanning Beds
1. Is it safe to tan during a thunderstorm?
While it is conceivably possible, the likelihood of anyone receiving bodily injury resulting from electrical shock during a thunderstorm is extremely minimal. The greater risk would be in the fluctuations of power flow. Severe power spikes (electrical surges) and high amounts of static electricity would be more likely to damage some equipment rather than the tanner.
However, all tanning equipment has to be properly grounded to meet the requirement of the National Electrical Code and the National Fire Protection Act. There is absolutely no black or white answer to the safety of tanning during a thunderstorm, but the gray answer is that the risk is minimal.
2. What is and do I need a buck booster?
Buck boosters, or buck and boost transformers, are a very important component in the tanning industry. Having the right voltage being supplied to your tanning bed is CRITICAL. Most tanning beds are designed to operate at a certain range of voltage but in North America the voltage in a home or a tanning salon can fluctuate greatly from place to place. If your voltage is too low your bed will most likely not tan you-if it is supplied with enough voltage to light the lamps up at all.
On the other hand, if your voltage is too high, you will not only drastically shorten the life of your lamps but, more importantly, you will run the very real risk of “burning up” components of the bed which will need to replaced and it can be costly to do so. Remember-just because your electrician told you that your voltage is 220 he really means that this is the electrical service that you have. Your true voltage could be as low as 205 or as high as 250. Voltage is rarely exactly 220 so be sure that you know what your exact, measured voltage is. If you find out that you need one have a licensed electrician install it.
3. How do I know if the voltage I have is adequate for my tanning bed?
Get the manufacturer’s recommended range of voltage and then have an electrician check your voltage using a voltage meter. Salon owners would be wise to invest in, and learn how to safely use a voltmeter to keep in their salon. If your voltage is not sufficient have a licensed electrician install a buck booster.
4. When the trucking company delivers my tanning bed will they bring it inside and put it together for me?
In most cases no. Some trucking companies will do an inside delivery for an added charge. However, set up is a separate issue and should be taken up with the company you purchased the bed from.
5. How long should tanning lamps last before I change them?
While most tanning lamps last approximately 1000 hours, to ensure maximum tanning benefits, it is recommended that lamps be changed at around 700-800 hours. Also, when you change lamps make sure that you change them ALL out at once. This will avoid having some lamps be stronger than other.
6. What should I do with my old lamps?
Do not just throw out! Contact your local garbage disposal company or city authority to find the most environmentally sound manner of disposing of your old lamps.
7. Why does my tanning bed seem to be too hot when I am in it?
The most common cause of this is that the bed is not being cooled or ventilate properly. Proper cooling and ventilation are critical to the operation of your tanning bed. Make sure that the bed is far enough away from the walls or other obstructions that could inhibit the bed from exhausting properly. Make sure that your bed’s internal fans are operating and that they are clean. Regular cleaning of dust, dirt and debris from internal cooling fans is very important.
8. How long will my acrylics last?
This question is very difficult to answer because all acrylics are not the same. Some have different thicknesses and some are in beds that are used more often than others. There is also many other variables to consider: how gentle the tanner treats the acrylic when laying on it, what the acrylic is being cleaned with, how often it is being cleaned, what type of tanning lotions are being used in it (never use outdoor lotions in a tanning bed), etc. In any case, acrylics should be changed between 1200 to 1500 hours of operation. If not, UV transmission could be greatly reduced.
9. What is the difference between low pressure and high-pressure equipment?
Low-pressure units emit both UVA and UVB at a lower energy level. Low-pressure units are the traditional beds you normally think of when you think of tanning beds. To build your base tan in low-pressure units, you’ll usually start off with about ½ of the recommended maximum tanning time and increase by a minute or two with subsequent visits (tanning schedules vary by individual skin type).
High-pressure units give you immediate results. By filtering out the UVB rays (burning rays), you can tan quickly without burning. Manufacturers normally recommend 3 sessions within 7-10 days in order to build your base in a high pressure unit and then 1-3 sessions a month to maintain it.
10. How do I know which type of tanning equipment is right for me?
Several variables will determine which type of equipment is best for you. Some of these are your budget, your time restraints and your overall tanning goals.